Dumpling mix

Diva’s Dumpling mix makes it possible for you to have this

amazing oriental dessert freshly cooked at home. Very

crispy on the outside and very fluffy on the inside.




Preparation Method

Mix the dry yeast with the Diva dumpling powder in a deep bowl.
Add to the bowl 2 spoons of oil (15ml) and 1 glass (220ml) of warm water (40° C) and stir the mix manually until you get a homogeneous mix.
*hot water leads to loss of yeast activity.
Cover the bowl in room temperature for fermentation (40 minutes in summer or 60 minutes in winter).
Boil plenty of oil in another pan and keep boiled for at least 5 minutes.
With a wet teaspoon cut small pieces of the dumpling and put them in the frying pan. When the dumpling surfaces, stir until it reaches
a golden color.
Filter the dumpling from the oil for 3-5 minutes then mix to the syrup and filter or spray sugar on it then serve.
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